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How online tuition Works

Arrange Tablet/Desktop

Arrange a normal quality tablet/ Desktop/ Laptop. As you know tablets and laptops usually come with built-in mics, speakers, and cameras but in the case of a desktop, you have to arrange an external mic, speaker, and camera.

Quality internet connection

Ensure a good quality internet connection. A standard broadband connection is preferable but if your mobile network is good enough you can also go with a Mobile Hotspot.

Install Google Meet

You can install popular video conferencing application Google Meet, Live classes can be attended using free Video Conferencing software.

Who we are and what we do

Tuitionadz tutors are working teachers, professors, PhD holders, and industry professionals who are all passionate about their areas of expertise and eager to help students learn.

We help Students/learners of all ages and stages—from kindergarten through college, continuing education, and career. Our tutors provide empowering, encouraging support to help students complete their assignments, improve their grades, and persist in their studies. Every day, thousands of students share positive feedback about their online tutoring experiences.

Our online tutoring platform makes connecting with students (and earning extra income!) simple, convenient, and flexible.

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Why Online Tuition Better Than Traditional Classes?

Online tuition

Traditional classes are generally monotonous and boring for the students. This ultimately reduces the attention of the students in the class and makes learning difficult for them. On the other hand, online courses are likely to be more appealing and engaging for the students.

Another reason that makes the online Classes is the fact they are less expensive. Online tuitions can significantly reduce the number of expenses such as the cost of transportation, food, as well as boarding. Moreover, the expenses of books and other learning resources can also be reduced as you can easily get them online. 

The online tuition includes the presentation of the different topics in attention-grabbing formats such as videos, graphics, and more. This proves to be more attractive for the students and keeps them glued to the screens. With the interactive online courses, students show more interest in learning and participating in classroom activities.
The online tuition helps the students in improving a number of important skills. As they have to use the computer or tablet daily to attend classes, share files, upload documents, and more, it helps in enhancing their technical skills. Moreover, through the online tuition, they also learn better time management.

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