AQA Past Papers Practice

Practice with Past Papers Question Bank – Different Questions every time

2 votes, 5 avg

AQA Biology (9201)
Question Count : 30

Duration :45 minutes

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AQA Biology (9201)

30 Different Questions Every time

1 / 30

Which specimen in Table 1 would be visible without a microscope?

2 / 30

Metabolism is the name given to all chemical reactions in the body.

Name the chemical reaction in the body that releases energy

3 / 30

Gregor Mendel carried out breeding experiments with box pea plants from 1856 to 1863.

Mendel thought that characteristics were controlled by ‘inherited factors’.
What are these ‘inherited factors’ now called?

4 / 30

Mendel published his results in 1866, but his ideas were ignored until the early 1900s.
Suggest one reason why people did not accept Mendel’s ideas in 1866.

5 / 30

6 / 30

7 / 30

This question is about white blood cells and pathogens.
White blood cells have cell membranes.
Describe the function of the cell membrane.

8 / 30

Uncontrolled cell division causes tumours to form.
A tumour can be malignant or benign.
select two features of malignant tumours that make them different from benign tumours.

9 / 30

Skin cells contain many ribosomes.
Suggest why ribosomes are not visible in Figure 6.

10 / 30

11 / 30

The number of people who smoke cigarettes has decreased since the 1990s.
Choose reason why

12 / 30

Explain why a person with a faulty heart valve can feel very tired.

13 / 30

Tardigrades can survive in extremely cold and dry conditions.
In extreme conditions, tardigrades have the following adaptations:
1. Produce a waxy layer to cover their body surface.
2. Curl up into a tiny ball.
3. Are light enough to be carried by the wind.
Describe how each adaptation helps the tardigrade to survive.
You should give a different reason for each adaptation.
Adaptation 1
Adaptation 2
Adaptation 3

14 / 30

Choose three ways white blood cells defend the body against pathogens.

15 / 30

In 2007 project ‘Clean Cow’ was set up to reduce the methane emissions from cows.
why cows have been chosen in a project to benefit the environment

16 / 30

Which specimen in Table 1 would only be visible with an electron microscope?

17 / 30

The size of the stomata can be controlled.
What parts of the leaf control the size of the stomata?

18 / 30

19 / 30

The allele for white flower colour is recessive.
Describe how Figure 10 shows that a recessive allele causes white flower colour

20 / 30

Name a technique which could be used to quickly produce large numbers of the
genetically engineered plants

21 / 30

Structures A, B, C and D are valves.
Which valve opens when the blood pressure in the right ventricle is greater than the
blood pressure in the pulmonary artery?
Write the correct letter

22 / 30

What is the main type of tissue found in the wall of the heart?

23 / 30

24 / 30

Ebola is a disease caused by a viral pathogen.
The Ebola virus attaches to the cell membranes of some body cells.
The Ebola virus can spread very quickly by direct contact with infected patients or
their body fluids.
In countries where there are outbreaks of Ebola, people are advised to wash their
hands regularly.
Suggest how regular hand washing reduces the spread of the Ebola virus

25 / 30

26 / 30

Owls are large birds.
Owls eat mice and small birds.
Which food chain is the most efficient at transferring energy from plants to owls?

27 / 30

Tardigrades can reproduce both sexually and asexually.
During asexual reproduction, the female produces offspring from eggs which have not
been fertilised.
Give one advantage to the female if she does not need to find a mate.

28 / 30

In Mendel’s breeding experiment there were 297 purple flowers and 105 white flowers
in the second generation.
Calculate the actual ratio Mendel achieved.
Give your answer to 3 significant figures.

Ratio of purple flowers : white flowers =?

29 / 30

Bacteria can enter the body during breathing.
Antibiotics are used to kill bacteria without affecting our body cells.
Many antibiotics work by destroying the outer layer of the bacterial cell.
Suggest why these antibiotics do not kill body cells.

30 / 30

Ebola viruses enter box the cells and reproduce rapidly. The cells then burst and release
many copies of the viruses.
When white blood cells burst they release proteins that block blood flow to the liver.
The liver fails because there is a lack of blood flow.
A failing liver cannot produce sufficient chemicals for blood clotting.
Suggest one symptom a person might have if the blood does not clot.

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1 votes, 5 avg

AQA Chemistry (9202)
Question Count : 30

Duration :45 minutes

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AQA Chemistry (9202)

30 Different Questions Every time

1 / 30

Name the metal ion present in solution C.

2 / 30

Potassium chloride (KCl) is an ionic compound.
Potassium reacts with chlorine (Cl2) to produce potassium chloride.
Complete the equation for the reaction.
Balance the equation.

………. +…………..→ ………. KCl

3 / 30

4 / 30

What is the useful type of energy produced by fuel cells?

5 / 30

Octane (C8H18) is used as a fuel.

The carbon and hydrogen in octane are oxidised during combustion

What does oxidised mean?

6 / 30

Give the reason why the mass changes in the zinc carbonate experiment.

7 / 30

What is the centre of the atom called?

8 / 30

Carbon dioxide is tested by bubbling through limewater.
What is the result of the test?

9 / 30

Choose a word equation for the reaction between chlorine and potassium bromide.

10 / 30

The radii of atoms of 63 29Cu  and 65 29Cu are both 0.128 nm.
Suggest why the two isotopes have the same atomic radius.

11 / 30

Choose a word equation for the overall chemical reaction that takes place in the hydrogen fuel cell

12 / 30

13 / 30

14 / 30

Which is the displayed structure of ethanoic acid?

15 / 30

Give the symbols of the ions in potassium chloride.

16 / 30

Iron is extracted in a blast furnace.
Balance the equation for the reaction

Fe2O3 + ….CO → ….Fe + ….CO2

17 / 30

Silver is deposited on the iron ring at a rate of 12.0 g per hour. Calculate the time needed for the iron ring to increase in mass by 3.4 g. Give your answer in minutes

18 / 30

Calcium reacts with water to produce calcium hydroxide, Ca(OH)2, and
hydrogen gas, H2
Choose the balanced equation for this reaction.

19 / 30

Magnesium is often mixed with other metals to produce a more useful material.
What are mixtures of metals called?
Tick one box.

20 / 30

When carbon dioxide reacts with limewater it produces calcium carbonate and one  other product.
choose the formula of the missing product.

Ca(OH)2 + CO2 → CaCO3 +…….

21 / 30

The reaction of zinc carbonate is endothermic.
Explain why, in terms of bond energies

22 / 30

Hydrogen gas forms hydrogen ions at the negative electrode in a fuel cell.
Complete the half equation for this reaction.
H2 → ……… + …….. e

23 / 30

The reaction of zinc carbonate with dilute nitric acid produces carbon dioxide gas.
Name the salt produced when zinc carbonate reacts with nitric acid.

24 / 30

If diesel undergoes incomplete combustion it may produce tiny solid particles called
Give one reason why diesel may undergo incomplete combustion rather than
complete combustion

25 / 30

Which type of chemical is used as a catalyst in ester reaction?

26 / 30

Suggest why solid copper sulfate does not conduct electricity.
Give your answer in terms of particles

27 / 30

Name the two changes of state that allow the liquid to move from the flask to the
beaker in Figure 9.
Write the changes of state in the correct order

28 / 30

Give the test for hydrogen gas

29 / 30

An atom of fluorine has 9 electrons.
Choose the electronic structure of fluorine.

30 / 30

Calculate the value of X in Table 1.

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AQA Physics (9203)
Question Count : 30

Duration :45 minutes

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AQA Physics (9203)

30 Different Questions Every time

1 / 30

Complete the following sentences about waves.

Longitudinal waves have oscillations that are………………
to the direction of energy transfer

2 / 30

Which two statements describe a main sequence star?

3 / 30

The kayak moves forwards with an initial momentum of 48 kg m/s.
The person uses the paddle for 18 s. The average resultant force on the kayak during
this time is 12 N forwards.
Calculate the final momentum of the kayak.
Use the Physics Equations Sheet

Final momentum =……… kg m/s

4 / 30

The kayak now moves at a steady speed of 2.2 m/s.
Calculate the time taken for the kayak to move 55 m at this speed.

Time taken = ……………..s

5 / 30

What is ultrasound?

6 / 30

7 / 30

The space probe is still operating in space today.
When the space probe was launched in 1977 the power source had an output
of 158 W.
Determine the power output of the power source today.
Use information from Figure 11.

8 / 30

9 / 30

What is the name of the force that causes the string to hang vertically?

10 / 30

11 / 30

Saturn is a planet that has many moons in orbit around it.

What is the name of the force that causes a moon to orbit Saturn?

12 / 30

Determine the difference in speed between Titan and Rhea.

Difference in speed = ………….km/s

13 / 30

Determine the time for which the horse was travelling at a constant velocity.

Time = …….seconds

14 / 30

The average power input to the solar panels in June was 8000 W.

The average useful power output from the solar panels was 960 W.

Calculate the efficiency of the solar panels

Efficiency = ?

15 / 30

The efficiency of the solar panels is low.

What is another disadvantage of solar panels?

16 / 30

Complete the sentences to explain the method of energy transfer shown in Figure 5

The average distance between the particles…………………….

17 / 30

A weather satellite is placed in a low polar orbit.
Explain why this orbit is used for a weather satellite.

18 / 30

Complete the sentences to explain the method of energy transfer shown in Figure 5

The density of the air above the candle………….

19 / 30

The weight of the horse is 6.37 kN.
Calculate the kinetic energy of the horse at point B.
gravitational field strength = 9.8 N/kg
Give your answer to 2 significant figures.
Use the Physics Equations Sheet.

Kinetic energy = …………….J

20 / 30

What is a beta particle?

21 / 30

The Earth orbits a star called the Sun

Why is a main sequence star stable?

22 / 30

Suggest one reason why the computer may transfer less energy

23 / 30

The Milky Way is a………………

24 / 30

25 / 30

Name the process that releases energy in a main sequence star.

26 / 30

Choose Two advantage of using LEDs rather than a filament lamp.

27 / 30

Which of the following describes the motion of the student between 100 seconds and
150 seconds?

28 / 30

The current in the sensor causes a force to be exerted on the magnet.
In which direction is the force on the magnet?

29 / 30

30 / 30

The brakes were applied. The average braking force was 15 kN.
The car travelled 60 m while braking.
Calculate the work done by the braking force.
Use the Physics Equations Sheet.

Work done =……J

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