Cambridge international AS & A Level Past Papers Practice

Practice with Past Papers Question Bank – Different Questions every time

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A Levels | Accounting (9706)
Question Count : 30

Duration :1 hours

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A Levels | Accounting (9706)

30 Different Questions Every time

1 / 30

Which item is not included as part of the capital cost of a new machine?

2 / 30

When does cost–volume–profit analysis inform users about cost behaviour?

3 / 30

What is included in the reserves of a limited company?

4 / 30

Which items are recorded in the income statement of a sole trader?

  1. interest payable on bank loan
  2. interest on capital
  3. transfer to general reserve

5 / 30

The correction of which error requires an entry in the suspense account?

6 / 30

7 / 30

8 / 30

Which items are included in the marginal cost of a unit of production?

9 / 30

A business sold a non-current asset. It had been purchased for $15 000 and had an estimated life
of 10 years, with no residual value. It was depreciated using the straight-line method.
It was sold after six years.
Disposal costs were $1000 and there was a profit on disposal of $3000.
What was the sale price?

10 / 30

11 / 30

The provisions of the Partnership Act apply if partners do not draw up a partnership agreement.
Which statement is true as a provision of the Partnership Act?

12 / 30

13 / 30

Which statement concerning the break-even point is correct?

14 / 30

15 / 30

16 / 30

Which statements describe the limitations of accounting information?

  1. Businesses in the same industry may use different accounting policies.
  2. Non-monetary aspects of a business are excluded from financial statements.
  3. Results of accounting ratios are based on the use of historic cos

17 / 30

18 / 30

What is recorded in both the appropriation account and the current accounts of a partnership?

  1. drawings
  2. interest on drawings
  3. interest on capital

19 / 30

20 / 30

21 / 30

22 / 30

At the end of the year, Barack’s draft accounts showed a capital account balance of $4300.
His drawings account included a debit entry of $150 for goods taken for his own use.
Barack realised that this entry had been recorded in error at selling price rather than cost price.
He sells goods with a mark-up of 50%.
What is the correct closing capital account balance?

23 / 30

A business increased its profits by changing from marginal costing to absorption costing.
Which statement is correct?

24 / 30

25 / 30

26 / 30

What are the benefits of preparing a bank reconciliation statement?

  1. acts as a deterrent to fraud
  2. identifies out-of-date cheques
  3. prevents the business going into overdraft
  4. provides the correct bank balance for financial statements

27 / 30

Why does a business maintain sales and purchases ledger control accounts as part of the double
entry accounting system?

  1. It allows a trial balance to be prepared easily from the nominal ledger.
  2. It can involve separate employees which makes fraud more difficult.
  3. There is no need to keep sales and purchases journals.
  4. There is no need to reconcile with personal accounts for customers and suppliers.

28 / 30

Why might a business prepare a budget?

29 / 30

In March, a company’s overhead absorption rate was $2 per machine hour. In April this rate
What had increased in April causing the change in the overhead absorption rate?

30 / 30

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A Levels | Biology (9700)
Question Count : 40

Duration :1 hours

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A Levels | Biology (9700)

40 Different Questions Every time

1 / 40

What is present in the blood in human veins?

  1. chloride ions
  2. carbonic anhydrase
  3. oxyhaemoglobin

2 / 40

When active tissues have high carbon dioxide concentrations, oxyhaemoglobin needs to release
oxygen to the tissues.
How is the carbon dioxide transported away by the blood from the tissues?

  1. as carboxyhaemoglobin
  2. as carbaminohaemoglobin
  3. as hydrogencarbonate ions

3 / 40

4 / 40

Bread contains a mixture of polypeptides known as gluten.
Two of the polypeptides found in gluten are glutenin and gliadin.
Which statement describes the tertiary structure of a protein?

5 / 40

6 / 40

7 / 40

8 / 40

Which molecules make up the structure of ATP?

  1. adenine
  2. thymine
  3. deoxyribose
  4. phosphate
  5. ribose


9 / 40

10 / 40

Which statement about viruses is correct?

11 / 40

12 / 40

A student wrote the following statements about the production of monoclonal antibodies.
Which statement is not correct?

13 / 40

14 / 40

15 / 40

Monoclonal antibodies are used to test for the presence of the hormone HCG in the urine of a
human female during early pregnancy.
Which statements describe how the monoclonal antibodies used in this test are produced?

  1. HCG is injected into a mouse, and plasma cells in the mouse produce antibodies
    specific to HCG.
  2. Antibodies are extracted from the mouse and then fused with cancer cells to
    produce hybridoma cells.
  3. Single hybridoma cells are cultured and they divide by mitosis to produce a clone of
    hybridoma cells.

16 / 40

Which statement about the role of co-transporter proteins in the movement of sucrose is correct?

17 / 40

18 / 40

Which part of the structure of haemoglobin carries oxygen?

19 / 40

20 / 40

21 / 40

22 / 40

Which polymers are present in all viruses and all prokaryotes?

  1. polynucleotides
  2. polypeptides
  3. polysaccharides

23 / 40

In an investigation, a plant cell was placed in pure water.
The initial rate at which water molecules entered the cell, R, was greater than the initial rate at
which water molecules left the cell.
In a second investigation, a plant cell of the same type was placed in a solution with a water
potential equal to that of the cell contents.
What will happen in the second investigation over a period of five minutes?

24 / 40

25 / 40

Liver cells contain vesicles that have proteins in their membranes which are specific for the
transport of glucose.
When these cells need to take up glucose, the vesicles fuse with the cell surface membrane.
How does the uptake of glucose occur?

26 / 40

27 / 40

28 / 40

What correctly describes triglycerides?

29 / 40

A student carries out a semi-quantitative test with Benedict’s solution.
Which statement about this procedure is correct?

30 / 40

31 / 40

32 / 40

33 / 40

34 / 40

Which events result in a person developing actively acquired immunity?

  1. becoming infected by TB bacteria
  2. drinking breast milk
  3. receiving an injection of antigens
  4. receiving an injection of antibodies

35 / 40

36 / 40

Which property of the tertiary structure of a globular protein enables it to catalyse a metabolic

37 / 40

Comorbidity is where an individual has two or more diseases or medical conditions at the same
time. Some medical conditions are particularly likely to result in comorbidity. In one example,
initial infection with one pathogen can increase the risk of developing a second disease by a
factor of 15 or more. The second disease is then the major cause of death for these people.

Which description could fit this example?

38 / 40

A scale bar on an electron micrograph is 2 cm long and represents an actual length of 1 m.
What is the magnification of the electron micrograph?

39 / 40

40 / 40

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1 votes, 5 avg

A Levels | Chemistry (9701)
Question Count : 40

Duration :1 hours

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A Levels | Chemistry (9701)

40 Different Questions Every time

1 / 40

1.0 mol of an organic compound, J, requires 6.0 mol of oxygen for complete combustion.
1.0 mol of J reacts with sodium, producing 0.50 mol of a gas that gives a ‘pop’ with a lighted splint.
J reacts with an excess of hot acidified potassium manganate(VII) to produce an organic
compound which gives an orange-red precipitate with 2,4-DNPH reagent.
Which compound is J?

2 / 40

3 / 40

4 / 40

A student adds 3 mol of acidified K2Cr2O7 to an excess of I ions.

The chromium is all reduced to Cr3+ and I ions are oxidised to I2.

The I2 released is reduced back to I ions by X mol of S2O3 2– ions.

1 mol of I2 is reduced by 2 mol of S2O3 2– ions.

What is the value of X?

5 / 40

6 / 40

Ethane reacts with an excess of chlorine in the presence of ultraviolet light to form a mixture of
How many of these products contain two carbon atoms and one or more chlorine atoms?

7 / 40

Which statement about ammonia or the ammonium ion is correct?

8 / 40

17.6 g of pentan-1-ol is completely combusted.
Which volume of gaseous products is formed when measured at s.t.p.?

9 / 40

Which statement about the Cl –N=O molecule is correct?

10 / 40

11 / 40

Which statement about the first ionisation energies of magnesium and neon is correct?

12 / 40

13 / 40

14 / 40

15 / 40

The enthalpy change for neutralisation of HNO3(aq) with NaOH(aq) is –57.0 kJ mol–1.
In an experiment, 20.0 cm3 of 4.00 mol dm–3 HNO3 is mixed with 30.0 cm3 of 2.00 mol dm–3 NaOH
in an insulated container. The initial temperature of both solutions is 25.0 °C.
It can be assumed that the heat capacity of the product mixture is 4.2 J cm–3°C–1 and that there
are no heat losses.
What is the maximum final temperature of the mixture?

16 / 40

This question is about buckminsterfullerene, graphite, iodine and diamond.

How many of these substances have a simple molecular structure?

17 / 40

18 / 40

Halogenoalkanes react with hot ethanolic potassium cyanide.
The reaction mechanism is either SN1 or SN2.
Which statement is correct?

19 / 40

Which compound will react with LiAlH4 to form two optical isomers?

20 / 40

21 / 40

22 / 40

Compound R can be formed from 1-bromopropane using a nucleophilic substitution reaction
followed by an oxidation reaction.
What is the identity of R?

23 / 40

24 / 40

Which reagent:

  • can confirm the presence of a carbonyl group in an organic compound
  • does not distinguish between aldehydes and ketones?

25 / 40

26 / 40

27 / 40

Mixture R consists of one mole of C3H6 and one mole of C4H6.

What is the minimum number of moles of oxygen molecules needed for complete combustion of
mixture R?

28 / 40

How many  bonds are present in one H–C≡C–C(CH3)=CH(CH3) molecule?

29 / 40

30 / 40

31 / 40

Which statement explains why calcium has a higher melting point than barium?

32 / 40

Structural isomerism and stereoisomerism should be considered when answering this question.
Y is a gaseous hydrocarbon which decolourises aqueous bromine.
10.0 g of Y occupies a volume of 3.43 dm3 under room conditions.
How many isomeric structures are possible for Y?

33 / 40

34 / 40

35 / 40

36 / 40

37 / 40

38 / 40

HCN has been detected in interstellar gas. The molecules below have also been detected in
interstellar gas.
Which molecule contains the same total number of valence shell (outer shell) electrons as HCN?

39 / 40

Structural isomerism and stereoisomerism should be considered when answering this question.
If a molecule contains two non-identical chiral carbon atoms, four optical isomers exist.
How many isomers are there with:

  • molecular formula C7H14O and
  • a five-membered ring and
  • a tertiary alcohol group?

40 / 40

Which sample contains the same number of the named species as the number of molecules in
35.5 g of chlorine?

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A Levels | Economics (9708)
Question Count : 30

Duration :1 hours

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A Levels | Economics (9708)

30 Different Questions Every time

1 / 30

2 / 30

What would be increased by an expansionary fiscal policy?

3 / 30

4 / 30

Demand curves are drawn ceteris paribus.
Which ‘other things’ are not required to remain the same when an individual’s demand curve for
ice cream is constructed?

5 / 30

6 / 30

7 / 30

What is least likely to rise as a result of the use of expansionary fiscal policy?

8 / 30

9 / 30

10 / 30

11 / 30

People plant flowers in a local park.
Which statement is correct?

12 / 30

The government of a country is worried about a large deficit on the current account of its balance
of payments and an increasing rate of inflation. The country has a fixed exchange rate for its
Which policy measure is most likely to help the government to reduce the current account deficit
and lower the rate of inflation?

13 / 30

Which factor of production is needed first in order to set up a new business?

14 / 30

15 / 30

16 / 30

Which government policy is most likely to cause expenditure switching that will benefit a country’s
current account?

17 / 30

Food prices in a country increased by 20% in three months due to an infectious virus.
Which statement about the cause of this rise in food prices is normative?

18 / 30

19 / 30

20 / 30

21 / 30

What can be best understood from a knowledge of a country’s terms of trade?

22 / 30

23 / 30

24 / 30

25 / 30

26 / 30

Why do some local governments subsidise the provision of bicycles to encourage their use?

27 / 30

28 / 30

29 / 30

30 / 30

In year 1, a country’s real GDP was $500 billion. In year 2, nominal GDP rose to $577.5 billion
and the prices increased by 5%.
What is the real GDP in year 2?

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A Levels | Physics (9702)
Question Count : 40

Duration :1 hours

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A Levels | Physics (9702)

40 Different Questions Every time

1 / 40

2 / 40

A nichrome wire has a resistance of 15Ω and a diameter of 3.0 mm. The number density of the
free electrons in nichrome is 9.0 × 1028 m–3.
A potential difference (p.d.) of 6.0V is applied between the ends of the wire.
What is the average drift speed of the free electrons in the wire?

3 / 40

Two progressive waves meet at a point.
Which condition must be met for superposition of the waves to occur?

4 / 40

5 / 40

6 / 40

7 / 40

Which ratio has the same units as electromotive force (e.m.f.)?

8 / 40

A resistor of resistance R is connected across a cell of electromotive force (e.m.f.) E and
negligible internal resistance.
Which single change to the circuit would lead to the largest increase in the power dissipated in
the resistor?

9 / 40

10 / 40

11 / 40

A stationary wave is formed by two progressive waves travelling in opposite directions along the
same line of travel.
Which statement about the two progressive waves is not correct?

12 / 40

13 / 40

The electric current in a metal wire is 4.0 mA.
How many electrons pass a fixed point in the wire in a time of 10 hours?

14 / 40

Which two units are identical when expressed in terms of SI base units?

15 / 40

Which unit is not an SI base unit?

16 / 40

A desk has a true width of 50.0 cm.
Two students, X and Y, measure the width of the desk.
Student X uses a tape measure and records a width of (49.5 ± 0.5) cm.
Student Y uses a metre rule and records a width of (51.4 ± 0.1) cm.
Which statement about the measurement of student X is correct?

17 / 40

Which statement about systematic errors is not correct?

18 / 40

Which two particles have opposite charges?

19 / 40

Two waves of equal frequency and amplitude are travelling in opposite directions along a stretched
string. When they meet, they form a stationary wave with three nodes and two antinodes.
The frequency of both waves is doubled and a new stationary wave is formed.
How many antinodes are there in the new stationary wave?

20 / 40

What is not a requirement for two forces to act as a couple?

21 / 40

22 / 40

A hollow cylinder, which is open at both ends, has a radius of (3.0 ± 0.1) cm and a length of
(15.0 ± 0.1) cm.
What is the value, with its absolute uncertainty, of the surface area of the cylinder?

23 / 40

24 / 40

25 / 40

In a large container in an oil refinery, three oils of different densities are mixed. No chemical
activity occurs.
The mixture consists of:
1200 kg of oil of density 1100 kgm–3
1500 kg of oil of density 860 kgm–3
4000 kg of oil of density 910 kgm–3.
What is the density of the mixture?

26 / 40

27 / 40

What is the definition of the potential difference (p.d.) across a component?

28 / 40

29 / 40

30 / 40

31 / 40

32 / 40

What is a conclusion from the alpha-particle scattering experiment?

33 / 40

34 / 40

What is the definition of the potential difference across an electrical component?

35 / 40

36 / 40

There is an electric current in a copper wire.
Which statement describing the average drift speed of the charge carriers in the wire is correct?

37 / 40

38 / 40

Which statement about collisions is correct?

39 / 40

A progressive wave of frequency 1.5 kHz travels in a medium at a speed of 340 m s–1.
What is the minimum distance between two points on the wave that have a phase difference of

40 / 40

Which statement about elastic and plastic deformation must be correct?

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