AQA Past Papers Practice

Practice with Past Papers Question Bank – Different Questions every time

2 votes, 5 avg

AQA Biology (9201)
Question Count : 30

Duration :45 minutes

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AQA Biology (9201)

30 Different Questions Every time

1 / 30

Yeast cells can respire anaerobically.
0 1 . 3 Complete the word equation for anaerobic respiration in yeast.
Choose the answer (ethanol, glycerol, starch, urea.)

glucose → ………….. + carbon dioxide

2 / 30

Tardigrades can survive in extremely cold and dry conditions.
In extreme conditions, tardigrades have the following adaptations:
1. Produce a waxy layer to cover their body surface.
2. Curl up into a tiny ball.
3. Are light enough to be carried by the wind.
Describe how each adaptation helps the tardigrade to survive.
You should give a different reason for each adaptation.
Adaptation 1
Adaptation 2
Adaptation 3

3 / 30

Digestive enzymes break down insoluble molecules into smaller, soluble molecules.
Name two insoluble molecules digested by enzymes.
Choose the answers (amino acid, fat, fatty acid, glucose, protein)

4 / 30

This question is about white blood cells and pathogens.
White blood cells have cell membranes.
Describe the function of the cell membrane.

5 / 30

Skin cells contain many ribosomes.
Suggest why ribosomes are not visible in Figure 6.

6 / 30

The number of people who smoke cigarettes has decreased since the 1990s.
Choose reason why

7 / 30

Describe two possible effects that a faulty valve can have on the functioning of the heart.

8 / 30

Tardigrades can reproduce both sexually and asexually.
During asexual reproduction, the female produces offspring from eggs which have not
been fertilised.
Give one advantage to the female if she does not need to find a mate.

9 / 30

Label parts A on Figure 1.

10 / 30

People must be vaccinated with a new vaccine each year to prevent infection from
Explain why a new vaccine is used each year.

11 / 30

What does heterozygous mean?

12 / 30

Ebola is a disease caused by a viral pathogen.
The Ebola virus attaches to the cell membranes of some body cells.
The Ebola virus can spread very quickly by direct contact with infected patients or
their body fluids

Choose one other way to reduce the spread of the Ebola virus.

13 / 30

Ebola viruses enter box the cells and reproduce rapidly. The cells then burst and release
many copies of the viruses.
When white blood cells burst they release proteins that block blood flow to the liver.
The liver fails because there is a lack of blood flow.
A failing liver cannot produce sufficient chemicals for blood clotting.
Suggest one symptom a person might have if the blood does not clot.

14 / 30

The size of the stomata can be controlled.
What parts of the leaf control the size of the stomata?

15 / 30

16 / 30

17 / 30

In Mendel’s breeding experiment there were 297 purple flowers and 105 white flowers
in the second generation.
Calculate the actual ratio Mendel achieved.
Give your answer to 3 significant figures.

Ratio of purple flowers : white flowers =?

18 / 30

Mendel published his results in 1866, but his ideas were ignored until the early 1900s.
Suggest one reason why people did not accept Mendel’s ideas in 1866.

19 / 30

Label parts B on Figure 1.

20 / 30

A leaf has many pores called stomata.
Water vapour is lost from a plant by diffusion through the stomata.
At what temperature would most water vapour be lost from a leaf?

21 / 30

What is the main type of tissue found in the wall of the heart?

22 / 30

What does anaerobic mean?

23 / 30

Which specimen in Table 1 would be visible without a microscope?

24 / 30

Give the reason why the volume of the mixture did not increase at 80 °C.

25 / 30

Increased levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere contribute to global warming.

Choose two possible effects of global warming.

26 / 30

Structures A, B, C and D are valves.
Which valve opens when the blood pressure in the right ventricle is greater than the
blood pressure in the pulmonary artery?
Write the correct letter

27 / 30

Owls are large birds.
Owls eat mice and small birds.
Which food chain is the most efficient at transferring energy from plants to owls?

28 / 30

29 / 30

A leaf is a plant organ.
Name two other plant organs.

30 / 30

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AQA Chemistry (9202)
Question Count : 30

Duration :45 minutes

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AQA Chemistry (9202)

30 Different Questions Every time

1 / 30

What is the useful type of energy produced by fuel cells?

2 / 30

What is the trend in melting point as you go down Group 7?

3 / 30

4 / 30

Name the metal ion present in solution C.

5 / 30

How do the results in Table 1 show that zinc carbonate reacts completely?

6 / 30

Hydrogen gas forms hydrogen ions at the negative electrode in a fuel cell.
Complete the half equation for this reaction.
H2 → ……… + …….. e

7 / 30

Choose a word equation for the overall chemical reaction that takes place in the hydrogen fuel cell

8 / 30

why an atom of sodium has no overall charge

9 / 30

Give a suitable temperature for the water bath

10 / 30

Give the names of the two products formed by the complete combustion of octane

11 / 30

Name the other product formed by the electrolysis of sodium chloride solution

12 / 30

Sodium is a metal in Group 1 of the periodic table.
An atom of sodium has the symbol 11Na 23
Give the number of protons and neutrons in an atom of sodium.
Number of protons = ?
Number of neutrons = ?

13 / 30

14 / 30

Which statement is correct for elements with the same number of outer shell electrons
in their atoms?

15 / 30

A student investigates the reactivity of four metals, A box , B, C and D.
This is the method the student uses.
1) Add a piece of metal A to some cold water and another piece to some dilute hydrochloric acid.
2) Observe the rate of bubbling.
3) Repeat steps 1 and 2 with metals B, C and D.
The student wants to ensure the investigation is a fair test.
select two variables the student should control.

16 / 30

17 / 30

Crude oil contains alkanes.
Alkanes are hydrocarbons.
What is a hydrocarbon?

18 / 30

If diesel undergoes incomplete combustion it may produce tiny solid particles called
Give one reason why diesel may undergo incomplete combustion rather than
complete combustion

19 / 30

What is the centre of the atom called?

20 / 30

The elements in the periodic table are arranged in the order of increasing ……..?

21 / 30

A student does a flame test on a solution of potassium chloride.
Give the colour of the flame produced.

22 / 30

Give the test for hydrogen gas

23 / 30

Give the symbols of the ions in potassium chloride.

24 / 30

What is the general formula for alkanes?

25 / 30

This question is about crude oil and substances found in it.
Complete the sentence.
Choose the answer from the box.(base,  mixture, non-metal,  polymer)
Crude oil is a…………. .

26 / 30

This question is about alcohols.

Some ethanol is dissolved in water.
What is the pH of the solution?

27 / 30

Octane (C8H18) is used as a fuel.

The carbon and hydrogen in octane are oxidised during combustion

What does oxidised mean?

28 / 30

What type of reaction produces ethanol from sugar?

29 / 30

Iron is extracted in a blast furnace.
Balance the equation for the reaction

Fe2O3 + ….CO → ….Fe + ….CO2

30 / 30

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AQA Physics (9203)
Question Count : 30

Duration :45 minutes

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AQA Physics (9203)

30 Different Questions Every time

1 / 30

The boy hears a sound wave emitted by the television. The sound wave has a
frequency of 2500 Hz and a wavelength of 13.8 cm.
Calculate the speed of the sound wave through the air.
Use the Physics Equations Sheet.

Speed of sound wave through the air = …………………m/s

2 / 30

3 / 30

4 / 30

Identify two control variables in this investigation.

5 / 30

When the person uses the paddle, the forces on the paddle create moments.
What is meant by the moment of a force?

6 / 30

7 / 30

The fins are made of metal.
Why are metals good thermal conductors?

8 / 30

Waves can be transverse or longitudinal.

What is the name given to the time taken for one complete oscillation of a wave?

9 / 30

Complete the sentence. Choose answers from below.

The image in a plane mirror is……………….. and………………..

10 / 30

Most of the radiation emitted by the component is infrared radiation.
Choose two changes to the infrared radiation emitted by the computer component as the
temperature of the component increases

11 / 30

Calculate the acceleration between points C and D.

Acceleration = ………….m/s2


12 / 30

The mass of the ball is 450 g.
Calculate the kinetic energy of the ball.
Use the Physics Equations Sheet.

Kinetic energy =…………….J

13 / 30

Suggest one reason why the computer may transfer less energy

14 / 30

The weight of the horse is 6.37 kN.
Calculate the kinetic energy of the horse at point B.
gravitational field strength = 9.8 N/kg
Give your answer to 2 significant figures.
Use the Physics Equations Sheet.

Kinetic energy = …………….J

15 / 30

What equipment should the student have used to measure the angle of incidence?

16 / 30

The space probe is currently at the edge of our solar system. Scientists use a unit
called the astronomical unit (AU) to measure the large distances in the solar system.
1 AU = 1.5 × 1011 m
The signals that the space probe sends back to Earth travel at a speed
of 3.0 × 108 m/s.
The space probe is currently 120 AU from Earth.
Calculate the time it takes for a signal from the space probe to reach Earth.
Give your answer in hours.

17 / 30

What is the name of the force that causes the string to hang vertically?

18 / 30

19 / 30

Where does nuclear fusion occur naturally?

20 / 30

The sensors in car A emit and detect radio waves.
The radio waves have a frequency of 7.7 × 1010 Hz.
The speed of radio waves is 3.0 × 108 m/s.
Calculate the wavelength of the radio waves.

21 / 30

Complete the sentences to explain the method of energy transfer shown in Figure 5

The average distance between the particles…………………….

22 / 30

23 / 30

The current in the sensor causes a force to be exerted on the magnet.
In which direction is the force on the magnet?

24 / 30

Determine the difference in speed between Titan and Rhea.

Difference in speed = ………….km/s

25 / 30

Calculate the current in the power supply in Figure 13.

Current =………….A

26 / 30

Calculate the potential difference across the lamp in Figure 13.

Potential difference = ………..V

27 / 30

The refractive index of Perspex is 1.49
Calculate the critical angle of Perspex.

28 / 30

During 1 week the computer transfers 12 kWh of energy.
cost per kWh = $0.15
Calculate the cost of using the computer for 1 week.

29 / 30

What is a beta particle?

30 / 30

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