Cambridge international AS & A Level Past Papers Practice

Practice with Past Papers Question Bank – Different Questions every time

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A Levels | Accounting (9706)
Question Count : 30

Duration :1 hours

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A Levels | Accounting (9706)

30 Different Questions Every time

1 / 30

The bank column of the cash book showed a credit balance of $2915. This did not agree with the
balance shown on the bank statement.
It was then discovered that:

  1. a bank transfer, $150, from a customer was not recorded in the cash book
  2. a cheque, $450, received from a customer was not recorded on the bank statement
  3. a cheque, $530, issued to a supplier was incorrectly recorded in the cash book as
    $350 but was correctly recorded by the bank
  4. bank charge, $25, was not recorded in the cash book.
    When these items were adjusted, the cash book balance agreed with the bank statement
    What was the balance shown on the bank statement before any adjustments were made?

2 / 30

Which items are included in the marginal cost of a unit of production?

3 / 30

4 / 30

5 / 30

6 / 30

A company paid an ordinary share dividend of $15 000 in the year.
Where would it appear in the financial statements?

7 / 30

8 / 30

9 / 30

When a company produces 5000 units of a product it requires one supervisor.
If production is increased beyond 5000 units then two supervisors are required.
Which type of cost is this an example of?

10 / 30

11 / 30

What is a limitation of absorption costing?

12 / 30

13 / 30

What are shown in the statement of changes in equity?

14 / 30

An employee is paid at the hourly rate of $20 basic pay for working 8 hours a day.
Overtime is paid at the hourly rate of basic pay plus 25% (time and a quarter).
A productivity bonus is also paid at the hourly rate of basic pay plus 50% (time and a half) for
every unit produced more than 30 units per day.
On Wednesday, the employee worked 10 hours and produced 32 units.
How much was the employee’s gross pay for Wednesday?

15 / 30

A production worker is paid $15 per hour for working 8 hours a day.
Overtime is paid at the rate of time and a fifth (basic pay plus 20%).
A productivity bonus is also paid at the rate of $21 per unit for each unit produced in excess of
12 units per day.
Last Friday, the production worker worked 12 hours and assembled 14 units.
How much did he earn on Friday?

16 / 30

17 / 30

Which statements about budgeting are correct?

  1. Accurate overhead allocations are always made.
  2. Managers may make budgets easy to achieve.
  3. Financial factors are considered.
  4. Very little time is taken to produce the budget.

18 / 30

19 / 30

A bank statement shows a credit balance of $8360. Comparison with the cash book reveals:

  1. bank charges of $124 have not been entered in the cash book
  2. cheques received from customers for $16 223 have not been credited by the bank
  3. cheques sent to suppliers for $18 725 have not been presented.
    What is the correct cash book balance?

20 / 30

X, Y and Z are in partnership sharing profits and losses equally.
At 31 December 2020, X had a capital account balance of $100 000 and a current account credit
balance of $80 000. On 1 January 2021 X retired. Non-current assets and goodwill were revalued
upwards by a total of $60 000.
X left half the amount due to her on retirement as a loan to the partnership. The balance was paid
to her by cheque.
How much was X paid?

21 / 30

The total of shareholders’ equity at 31 December 2019 was $45 500.
During the year ended 31 December 2020, the following took place.

  1. An issue of 10 000 ordinary shares of $1 each at a premium of $0.25 was made.
  2. A bonus issue of 5000 shares of $1 each was made.
  3. Buildings were revalued from $250 000 to $265 000.
  4. The profit for the year was $20 400.
  5. There was a transfer to the general reserve of $6000.
  6. The directors proposed a final dividend of $8000.
    What was the balance of the shareholders’ equity at 31 December 2020?

22 / 30

Charlie and Daphne are in partnership, sharing profits and losses in the ratio 2 :1. Their fixed
capital account balances at 31 December 2019 were $20 000 and $13 000 respectively.
They changed the terms of the partnership on 1 January 2020 to introduce interest on capital at
the rate of 10% per annum.
Which effect did this change have on Charlie’s total share of profit for the year ended
31 December 2020?

23 / 30

A trial balance included a suspense account. The bank balance of $28 412 had mistakenly been
entered as an overdraft and placed on the credit side as $28 142.
There had also been an addition error and the debit side of the trial balance had been undercast
by $450.
Which entry in the suspense account will correct these errors?

24 / 30

25 / 30

26 / 30

A trader keeps a full set of accounting records.
Which statement is correct?

27 / 30

A business pays its employees $2 for each unit of X they assemble and $3.20 for each unit of Y.
Monthly output is 1800 units of X and 1000 units of Y. The factory supervisor is paid $1000 per
What is the direct labour cost per month?

28 / 30

29 / 30

A company received its bank statement dated 30 June showing a credit balance of $6890. The
cash book on this date had a debit balance of $7234. The following items were discovered.

  1. Bank charges of $54 had not been entered in the cash book.
  2. Deposits made to the bank on 30 June for $490 had not been shown on the bank
  3. Suppliers had not banked cheques for $200.

Which figure should be used for bank in the statement of financial position at 30 June?

30 / 30

A business had calculated a draft profit for the year.
The following items have been discovered.

  1. A customer has been declared bankrupt and is unable to pay the amount they owe.
  2. Unsold goods on sale or return basis have been included in inventory.
  3. Rent paid in advance has not been included.
  4. The owner’s cash drawings have been entered into the owner’s capital account.
    Which of these need to be adjusted to calculate the correct profit for the period?

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A Levels | Biology (9700)
Question Count : 40

Duration :1 hours

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A Levels | Biology (9700)

40 Different Questions Every time

1 / 40

What is present in a typical prokaryotic cell and a typical eukaryotic cell?

2 / 40

3 / 40

4 / 40

Which structures are found in prokaryotes and eukaryotes?

5 / 40

6 / 40

Which blood vessels carry blood into the atria?

  1. coronary artery
  2. vena cava
  3. pulmonary artery
  4. pulmonary vein

7 / 40

Which statements about water movement in plants are correct?

  1. Water can pass through cellulose cell walls.
  2. Water cannot pass through lignified cell walls.
  3. Water can pass through cell walls that contain suberin

8 / 40

Which factors contribute to outbreaks of measles after natural disasters?

  1. contamination of drinking water with untreated sewage
  2. lack of effective vaccination coverage in the population before the disaster
  3. people living in overcrowded accommodation

9 / 40

An indicator is colourless in acid and pink in alkali.
In an experiment a petri dish of agar was prepared using an acidic solution of this indicator.
A disc of agar 1 cm in diameter was removed from the centre to create a well.
A white card showing circular marker lines 1 cm apart was placed underneath the petri dish.
1 cm3 alkali solution was put into the well in the agar and a stop-watch was started.
A circular disc of pink colour appeared and spread through the agar. It reached the first marker
line in a short time but took longer to reach the second marker line and a very long time to reach
the third marker line.
What explains these observations?

10 / 40

11 / 40

Which statement about collagen is correct?

12 / 40

What is the function of the nucleolus?

13 / 40

Sucrose is loaded into phloem sieve tubes from companion cells.
What is the correct order of statements that explains this mechanism?

  1. Hydrogen ions diffuse into companion cells through co-transporter proteins.
  2. Hydrogen ions are pumped out of companion cells by active transport.
  3. Sucrose diffuses into phloem sieve tubes via plasmodesmata.
  4. Sucrose is co-transported along with hydrogen ions.

14 / 40

What will reduce the rate at which bacteria become resistant to antibiotics?

  1. prescribing two antibiotics with different modes of action
  2. prescribing different antibiotics for the same bacterium
  3. finishing a prescribed course of antibiotics

15 / 40

What is the maximum number of hydrogen bonds that can form between two single water

16 / 40

Which disease is spread by a vector?

17 / 40

18 / 40

Which component of plants is used by the apoplast pathway as water is moved from the soil to
the xylem?

19 / 40

What has contributed to the increase in antibiotic resistance in bacteria?

  1. increased use of vaccines for animal diseases
  2. mutations in bacterial DNA
  3. patients not completing their antibiotic treatment

20 / 40

The following advice was given to a person travelling to a country where there had been an
outbreak of an infectious disease.

  • Cook food well and eat it hot.
  • Peel fruit and vegetables.
  • Drink only cool, boiled water
  • Wash hands often with soap and cool, boiled water.

Which infectious disease would this advice help to protect against?

21 / 40

Which description of collagen is correct?

22 / 40

23 / 40

The statements refer to the disease tuberculosis (TB).

  1. The pathogen is not accessible to the immune system.
  2. The bacterial pathogen reproduces slowly.
  3. The pathogen is not very sensitive to antibiotics.

Which statements explain why antibiotic treatment for TB takes a long time?

24 / 40

A hurricane destroys a large town on an island. People move away from the town and set up
tents, where sanitation is poor.
Which disease is most likely to spread within a week of the change in living conditions?

25 / 40

26 / 40

What happens to the surface area to volume ratio of a cube when the length of each side is

27 / 40

When a gene for protease is activated, which nucleic acid will be formed?

28 / 40

Which mechanism accounts for the way most of the carbon dioxide is transported in blood?

29 / 40

In a healthy human, the mean value for the number of haemoglobin molecules in one red blood
cell is 260 million.
How many α-globin chains does one red blood cell contain in a healthy human?

30 / 40

How many times must a molecule of oxygen pass through a cell surface membrane as it diffuses
from the airspace inside an alveolus, through a cell in the capillary wall, to bind to a molecule of

31 / 40

32 / 40

33 / 40

Which factors can be changed to affect the rate of facilitated diffusion across a cell surface

  1. the surface area of the membrane
  2. the concentration gradient
  3. the number of specific protein channels

34 / 40

35 / 40

36 / 40

37 / 40

38 / 40

39 / 40

Carbon dioxide is continually produced by respiring cells. It diffuses into red blood cells and
dissociates into hydrogen ions (H+) and hydrogen carbonate ions (HCO3). HCO3 then diffuses
out of the cell in exchange for chloride ions (Cl) in the chloride shift.
What is the importance of the chloride shift?

40 / 40

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A Levels | Chemistry (9701)
Question Count : 40

Duration :1 hours

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A Levels | Chemistry (9701)

40 Different Questions Every time

1 / 40

Structural isomerism and stereoisomerism should be considered when answering this question.
Y is a gaseous hydrocarbon which decolourises aqueous bromine.
10.0 g of Y occupies a volume of 3.43 dm3 under room conditions.
How many isomeric structures are possible for Y?

2 / 40

How many structurally isomeric secondary alcohols are there with the molecular formula C5H12O?

3 / 40

4 / 40

For a particular reversible reaction the backward reaction is endothermic.
The activation energy of the backward reaction is 160 kJ mol−1.
It can be assumed that the backward reaction proceeds by a mechanism that is the exact reverse
of the mechanism for the forward reaction.
Which statement about the activation energy of the forward reaction is correct?

5 / 40

This question refers to isolated gaseous atoms in the ground state.
In which atom are all electrons paired?

6 / 40

In the mass spectrum of a compound, Z, the relative abundances of the M and M+1 peaks are in
the ratio 13 :1.
What is compound Z?

7 / 40

NH3(aq) is added to separate samples of NaCl(aq), MgCl2(aq), BaCl2(aq) and SiCl4(l). Under
the conditions of this experiment, only two samples will produce a white precipitate when NH3(aq)
is added.

What are these two samples?

8 / 40

Compound Q can be hydrolysed by HCl(aq). The two products of this hydrolysis have the same
empirical formula.
What could Q be?

9 / 40

10 / 40

Structural isomerism only should be considered when answering this question.

Several compounds with molecular formula C4H8O2 have one carbonyl group and one OH group.

How many of these compounds produce yellow crystals with alkaline I2(aq) at room temperature?

11 / 40

Why is the ionic radius of a sulfide ion larger than the ionic radius of a potassium ion?

12 / 40

How many  bonds are present in one H–C≡C–C(CH3)=CH(CH3) molecule?

13 / 40

The Contact process takes place at a pressure between 100 000 Pa and 200 000 Pa. A catalyst is
Which statement is correct?

14 / 40

15 / 40

16 / 40

17 / 40

A student mixes 25.0 cm3 of 0.350 mol dm–3 sodium hydroxide solution with 25.0 cm3 of
0.350 mol dm–3 hydrochloric acid. The temperature increases by 2.5 °C. No heat is lost to the
The final mixture has a specific heat capacity of 4.2 J cm–3K–1.
What is the molar enthalpy change for the reaction?

18 / 40

A sample containing 0.010 mol of anhydrous calcium nitrate is heated strongly until it fully
All the gas produced is collected and its volume measured at room conditions.
What is the volume of gas produced?

19 / 40

In which species are the numbers of protons, neutrons and electrons all different?

20 / 40

21 / 40

Which emission from an internal combustion engine contributes to the erosion of marble statues?

22 / 40

Element X has the second largest atomic radius in its period. An atom of X has three occupied
electron shells only.
The oxide of X is shaken with water.
What could be the pH of the resulting solution?

23 / 40

24 / 40

25 / 40

The solids sodium chloride and sodium iodide both react with concentrated sulfuric acid at room
With NaCl , the products are NaHSO4 and HCl .
With NaI, the products are NaHSO4, HI, I2, SO2, H2O, S and H2S.
What is the explanation for this difference in products?

26 / 40

27 / 40

28 / 40

The diagram shows a section of a polymer molecule.
Which monomer will produce this polymer?

29 / 40

30 / 40

Three organic compounds are listed.

  1. ethanal
  2. propan-1-ol
  3. propan-2-ol

Which compounds will have a mass spectrum that contains a fragment peak at m/ e = 43?

31 / 40

A mixture contains magnesium carbonate and barium carbonate only. A sample of the mixture is
dissolved in nitric acid to produce a solution.

How could this solution be processed into a magnesium compound and a separate barium

32 / 40

Which reaction is a redox reaction?

33 / 40

Which statement concerning the hydrolysis of 1-bromopropane with water is correct?

34 / 40

35 / 40

What is the least number of carbon atoms in a non-cyclic alkane molecule that has a chiral

36 / 40

37 / 40

38 / 40

Three statements about potassium and chlorine and their ions are listed.

  1. The atomic radius of a potassium atom is greater than the atomic radius of a chlorine
  2. The first ionisation energy of potassium is greater than the first ionisation energy of
  3. The ionic radius of a potassium ion is greater than the ionic radius of a chloride ion.

Which statements are correct?

39 / 40

40 / 40

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A Levels | Economics (9708)
Question Count : 30

Duration :1 hours

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A Levels | Economics (9708)

30 Different Questions Every time

1 / 30

2 / 30

A hospital management board decides to reallocate $800000 from its $1.2m new buildings
budget to spend on cancer care.
What is the opportunity cost of this decision?

3 / 30

In a planned economy, what will determine the allocation of scarce resources?

4 / 30

5 / 30

6 / 30

7 / 30

8 / 30

9 / 30

What does opportunity cost measure?

10 / 30

11 / 30

Which function of money overcomes the double coincidence of wants problem that exists in a
barter system?

12 / 30

13 / 30

14 / 30

A rise in the price of a good is accompanied by an increase in the quantity demanded.
What could explain this?

15 / 30

16 / 30

17 / 30

In a recent year, Japanese car manufacturers agreed to limit exports of cars to the USA.
Which form of protectionism is this?

18 / 30

When will the price mechanism not function as a system for allocating goods?

19 / 30

What is not a function of money?

20 / 30

21 / 30

Which action would not raise the quality of the particular factor of production?

22 / 30

What will lead to an improvement in the terms of trade?

23 / 30

24 / 30

25 / 30

What could explain an improvement in the terms of trade for a country?

26 / 30

What is an accurate statement about possible causes and/or consequences of a worsening in a
country’s terms of trade?

27 / 30

28 / 30

A government decides that all non-essential businesses must close for three months due to a
disease pandemic.
What is an opportunity cost of this policy?

29 / 30

What would be likely to decrease inflation in an economy?

30 / 30

What will result from a government’s decision to allow health care to be provided entirely by
market forces?

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A Levels | Physics (9702)
Question Count : 40

Duration :1 hours

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A Levels | Physics (9702)

40 Different Questions Every time

1 / 40

There is an electric current in a copper wire.
Which statement describing the average drift speed of the charge carriers in the wire is correct?

2 / 40

3 / 40

A spring has an unstretched length of 4.50 cm. The spring is fixed at one end and a force of
35.0N is applied to the other end so that the spring extends.
The spring obeys Hooke’s law and has a spring constant of 420 N m–1.
What is the strain of the extended spring?

4 / 40

An alpha-particle has 2.2 × 10–13 J of kinetic energy.
What is the speed of the alpha-particle?

5 / 40

Which particle is a lepton?

6 / 40

7 / 40

8 / 40

9 / 40

10 / 40

In the α-particle scattering experiment, a beam of α-particles is aimed at a thin gold foil. Most of
the α-particles go straight through or are deflected by a small angle. A very small proportion are
deflected by more than 90°, effectively rebounding towards the source of the α-particles.
Which conclusion about the structure of atoms cannot be drawn from this experiment alone?

11 / 40

12 / 40

What is meant by the spring constant of a spring?

13 / 40

14 / 40

15 / 40

16 / 40

A π+meson has a charge of +e, where e is the elementary charge. It consists of an up quark and
one other quark.
What could be the other quark in the π+meson?

17 / 40

What is the ohm expressed in SI base units?

18 / 40

19 / 40

20 / 40

21 / 40

A neutron 10n is fired at a 23592U nucleus. The neutron is absorbed by the nucleus which then splits
to form nuclei of 14156Ba and 9236Kr.
What is the number of free neutrons emitted when the 23592U nucleus splits?

22 / 40

23 / 40

Which two units are identical when expressed in terms of SI base units?

24 / 40

25 / 40

26 / 40

Which list of particles contains only fundamental particles?

27 / 40

A diffraction grating has 4.00 × 105 lines per metre. A beam of light of wavelength 589 × 10-9m is
incident normally on the diffraction grating.
What is the angle between the second-order maximum and the direction of the incident beam of`

28 / 40

29 / 40

Which statement is correct?

30 / 40

Some sources of electromagnetic waves in free space are listed.

  1. a radio wave transmitter
  2. a source of X-rays
  3. a 30 mm wavelength radar transmitter
  4. a light-emitting diode that emits red light
    Which list gives the sources in order of increasing wavelength, from left to right, of the waves
    emitted by the sources?

31 / 40

32 / 40

Light of a single frequency passes through two narrow slits and produces an interference pattern
on a screen some distance away. The interference fringes are very close together.
Which change would increase the distance between the fringes?

33 / 40

Which statement about longitudinal waves and transverse waves is not correct?

34 / 40

35 / 40

36 / 40

What could not be a measurement of a physical quantity?

37 / 40

38 / 40

39 / 40

40 / 40

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