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Practice with Past Papers Question Bank – Different Questions every time

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Accounting (9-1) (0985)
Question Count : 35

Duration :1 hours 15 minutes

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Accounting (9-1) (0985)

35 Different Questions Every time

1 / 35

2 / 35

Which statements about capital expenditure are correct?
1 It is money spent on day-to-day business operations.
2 It is money spent on purchasing non-current assets.
3 It is recorded in the statement of financial position.
4 It includes expenses relating to non-current assets.

3 / 35

Which statement about a purchases ledger control account is not correct?

4 / 35

The issued share capital of AN Limited consists of ordinary shares.
On 1 January 2020, the retained earnings were $78 000.
For the year ended 31 December 2020, the company earned a profit of $65 000.
An ordinary share dividend of $20 000 was paid during the year and a further dividend for the
year of $15 000 was proposed. A transfer was made to general reserve of $40 000.
What was the balance of retained earnings at 31 December 2020?

5 / 35

6 / 35

7 / 35

8 / 35

Jameel sold goods on credit.
Where did he first record the invoice he issued?

9 / 35

The bank statement of a business had a credit balance of $2690 on 1 October 2021. At that date
cheques totalling $850 had not yet been presented for payment.
What was the bank balance in the cash book on 1 October 2021?

10 / 35

A trader has purchased new business premises.
What are examples of capital expenditure?
1 cost of heating and lighting the new premises
2 cost of purchasing the new premises
3 legal costs of purchasing the new premises
4 office furniture purchased for use in the new premises

11 / 35

12 / 35

Which statement is correct?

13 / 35

14 / 35

The totals of a trial balance did not agree and $200 was debited to a suspense account. On
checking the books it was found that two errors had been made.
1 A sales invoice for $700 had been recorded in the sales journal as $770.
2 The sales journal had been totalled incorrectly.
What was the error made in totalling the sales journal?

15 / 35

Why would a business record the amount owing by a credit customer as an irrecoverable debt?

16 / 35

Mandeep depreciates his motor vehicles at the rate of 20% using the straight-line method.
A full year’s depreciation is provided in the year of purchase.
Mandeep bought a motor vehicle on 1 January 2017 for $20 000. On 1 June 2020 he bought a
second motor vehicle for $10 000.
What was the depreciation charge on motor vehicles for the year ended 31 December 2020?

17 / 35

The income statement of a business showed a loss for the year of $16 000. On checking the
books the following errors were discovered.
1 No adjustment had been made for insurance prepaid, $480.
2 No entry had been made for bank charges, $620.
What was the correct loss for the year?

18 / 35

19 / 35

20 / 35

What is an example of a compensating error?

21 / 35

22 / 35

Why would a supplier be interested in the financial statements of a credit customer?

23 / 35

24 / 35

What is the purpose of a partnership appropriation account?

25 / 35

Which task would be carried out by a book-keeper?

26 / 35

What are advantages of operating as a sole trader?
1 The owner can keep all the profit.
2 The owner can raise finance by issuing debentures.
3 The owner can make decisions independently.
4 The owner is protected by limited liability.

27 / 35

28 / 35

John’s rate of inventory turnover was 10 times in year 1 and 8 times in year 2.
What may have caused the change in the rate of inventory turnover?

29 / 35

What is included in a purchases ledger control account?

30 / 35

31 / 35

What is shown in a trial balance?

32 / 35

33 / 35

What would result in a cash book balance being lower than the balance showing on a bank

34 / 35

35 / 35

Which group contains only items included in the prime cost of a manufacturer?

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Accounting (0452)
Question Count : 35

Duration :1 hours 15 minutes

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Accounting (0452)

35 Different Questions Every time

1 / 35

2 / 35

3 / 35

At the end of the financial year, a company did not account for the unused stationary valued
at $50.
Which accounting principle did the company apply?

4 / 35

5 / 35

6 / 35

Which user of accounting statements is interested in past performance and taking remedial action
where necessary?

7 / 35

Samuel, a trader, decided to issue statements of account each month.
Which ratio does Samuel hope to improve by doing this?

8 / 35

Where are the accounts of credit suppliers maintained?

9 / 35

Leah bought goods, $8000, less 15% trade discount. She later returned half of these goods as
they were faulty.
Which document did Leah issue to the supplier for the returned goods?

10 / 35

Sabeena runs a retail business. She plans to close her business in a few weeks’ time.
How should her fixtures and fittings be valued in the statement of financial position?

11 / 35

12 / 35

13 / 35

14 / 35

15 / 35

16 / 35

17 / 35

18 / 35

The totals of a trial balance did not agree and $200 was debited to a suspense account. On
checking the books it was found that two errors had been made.
1 A sales invoice for $700 had been recorded in the sales journal as $770.
2 The sales journal had been totalled incorrectly.
What was the error made in totalling the sales journal?

19 / 35

Which task would be carried out by a book-keeper but not an accountant?

20 / 35

Which statement about club accounts is correct?

21 / 35

The financial year of Yeung ends on 31 March. On 1 April 2021, he purchased a machine for
He estimated that it would have a useful working life of 3 years and a residual value of $100.
Yeung uses the straight-line method of depreciation.
The machine was sold on 1 April 2022 for $1500.
What was the loss on disposal?

22 / 35

Why would the owner of a business want to see his financial statements at the end of the year?
1 to assess the performance and progress of the business
2 to determine the market value of the non-current assets
3 to make informed decisions for the following years

23 / 35

Which term is used to describe the surpluses which have been earned by a club over its lifetime?

24 / 35

Anji maintains a provision for doubtful debts at 5% of the trade receivables at the end of each
financial year. At the start of the financial year, the trade receivables were $2000. At the end of
the financial year, the trade receivables were $4500.
Which entry would be made in the income statement for the financial year?

25 / 35

Which error is an error of original entry?

26 / 35

X Limited started the year with an ordinary share capital of $100 000.
An ordinary share dividend of $3000 was paid during the year.
Later a further $10 000 of ordinary shares were issued.
The profit for the year was $8000.
By how much had equity increased at the end of the year?

27 / 35

Nula’s financial year ends on 31 December. She maintains a provision for doubtful debts of 5%
of trade receivables.
On 1 January 2021, the provision amounted to $800. On 31 December 2021, trade receivables
owed $13 400, of which $600 was regarded as irrecoverable.
How much was the provision for doubtful debts on 1 January 2022?

28 / 35

Machinery which had cost $6290 was sold for $3100. The disposal account showed a profit on
disposal of $584.
How much was the depreciation up to the date of disposal and on which side of the disposal
account was it recorded?

29 / 35

Which item should be treated as capital expenditure?

30 / 35

31 / 35

32 / 35

Ben sold goods to David for $900 cash.
In which book of prime entry would David record this transaction?

33 / 35

Which statements about trade discount are correct?
1 It is debited to the supplier’s account.
2 It is only given if the invoice is paid within the period allowed by the supplier.
3 It is shown as a deduction from the price of the goods on an invoice.
4 It is used to encourage bulk buying.

34 / 35

35 / 35

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Biology (0610)
Question Count : 40

Duration :45 minutes

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Biology (0610)

40 Different Questions Every time

1 / 40

2 / 40

Which statement about the binomial naming system is correct?

3 / 40

Ammonification is the decomposition of plant and animal protein to ammonium ions.
Which sequence of events can occur in the nitrogen cycle?

4 / 40

Which method of birth control works by preventing an egg from being released

5 / 40

Which molecules are transported by the phloem?

6 / 40

7 / 40

Which statement correctly identifies the enzyme and the products of fat digestion?

8 / 40

9 / 40

A human enzyme was used in an experiment. All factors were kept constant, apart from
What happened to the rate of reaction when the temperature was reduced steadily from
35 ºC to 5 ºC?

10 / 40

Which statement about the regulation of human body temperature is correct?

11 / 40

12 / 40

Compared with inspired air, which description of expired air is correct?

13 / 40

Which term is used to describe a group of living things that can reproduce to produce fertile

14 / 40

Which chemical is a product of photosynthesis that moves out of a green leaf through its

15 / 40

A herd of red deer live in a forest that contains snakes and a large variety of birds.
Which group of organisms is an example of a population?

16 / 40

17 / 40

18 / 40

19 / 40

Some terms used to describe enzyme-controlled reactions are listed.
1 catalyst
2 product
3 protein
4 substrate
Which terms describe an enzyme?

20 / 40

Which statement about the hormone insulin is correct?

21 / 40

Sickle cell anaemia is a genetic disorder which results in severe illness in homozygous
individuals. In some human populations, being heterozygous can be beneficial.
What could be the reason for this?

22 / 40

Some of the nutrients that form part of a balanced diet are listed.
1 calcium
2 fat
3 fibre
4 vitamin D
Which nutrients are needed for healthy bones?

23 / 40

During the treatment of sewage, what is removed by screening?

24 / 40

What is needed in the cytoplasm to make proteins at a ribosome?

25 / 40

Statements 1 to 4 describe stages in the development of cholera

1 Chloride ions are secreted into the gut.
2 Osmosis causes water to move into the gut.
3 The infected person becomes dehydrated.
4 Toxins are produced by the pathogenic bacteria.
What is the correct sequence of the four stages?

26 / 40

Which statement about asexual reproduction would be a disadvantage for a farmer growing crop

27 / 40

Which process is part of the carbon cycle?

28 / 40

Which change increases the rate of water uptake by the roots of a plant?

29 / 40

A cylinder of potato tissue was placed in a beaker of very salty water. After one hour the mass of
the potato cylinder had decreased.
Why did this happen?

30 / 40

New strains of the crop plant wheat can be produced by cross-breeding disease resistant plants
with those that give high yields of grain.
What is this an example of?

31 / 40

32 / 40

Which hormone triggers the ‘fight or flight’ response?

33 / 40

Meiosis is sometimes called ‘reduction division’.
What is reduced during meiosis?

34 / 40

Some reptiles can lose and regrow their tails to avoid predation.
Which process occurs to regrow the tail?

35 / 40

The statements refer to reproduction.
1 A zygote is formed.
2 Offspring are genetically identical to the parent.
3 Two gamete nuclei fuse together.
Which statements refer to sexual reproduction?

36 / 40

What is a function of phloem?

37 / 40

Which process involves the removal of material from the rectum?

38 / 40

Where in the body are the blood temperature receptors?

39 / 40

Why are bacteria useful in genetic engineering?

40 / 40

What is the balanced chemical equation for anaerobic respiration in yeast?

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Biology (9-1) (0970)
Question Count : 40

Duration :45 minutes

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Biology (9-1) (0970)

40 Different Questions Every time

1 / 40

All living organisms release energy from nutrient molecules within their cells.

What is the name of this characteristic?

2 / 40

What is the word equation for anaerobic respiration in yeast?

3 / 40

Rice has been modified by adding genes from bacteria and another plant so that it can produce
the nutrient beta carotene.
What is this process called?

4 / 40

Compared with inspired air, which description of expired air is correct?

5 / 40

Which human characteristic is an example of discontinuous variation?

6 / 40

What is an example of sexual reproduction?

7 / 40

In a cell, where are amino acids assembled to form protein molecules?

8 / 40

Which statement about the process of asexual reproduction is correct?

9 / 40

Which molecules are transported by the phloem?

10 / 40

Where is progesterone produced in the late stages of pregnancy?

11 / 40

What are the products when proteins are broken down?

12 / 40

After vigorous exercise, an athlete continues to breathe deeply during the recovery period.
During this recovery period the oxygen debt is removed.
Which reaction is used to remove the oxygen debt?

13 / 40

How do the air spaces in the spongy mesophyll of a leaf help to adapt it for photosynthesis?

14 / 40

Which statement about passive immunity is correct?

15 / 40

What is needed in the cytoplasm to make proteins at a ribosome?

16 / 40

17 / 40

What is the name of the ball of cells that forms soon after fertilisation in humans?

18 / 40

19 / 40

Which description of cross-pollination is correct?

20 / 40

What determines the sex of a baby?

21 / 40

Which statement describes the net movement of particles during diffusion?

22 / 40

The list shows some processes that take place in a human body.
1 production of new red blood cells
2 transmission of nerve impulses from the eyes to the brain
3 diffusion of gases into and out of the lungs
Which processes use energy released by respiration?

23 / 40

In guinea pigs, the allele for black fur is dominant and the allele for white fur is recessive.
A test cross can be used to determine the genotype of a black guinea pig.
What would be the expected result of the test cross if the black guinea pig was heterozygous?

24 / 40

Which statement about the hormone insulin is correct?

25 / 40

Which hormone triggers the ‘fight or flight’ response?

26 / 40

Yeast is placed inside a container full of a glucose solution with no air.
Which word equation summarises the process that takes place inside the container?

27 / 40

Some features of plants are listed.
1 large air spaces inside the leaves
2 stomata on the upper surface of the leaves
3 large root system
4 thick cuticle
Which features are found in hydrophytes?

28 / 40

Which method of birth control works by preventing an egg from being released

29 / 40

30 / 40

What is a function of some white blood cells?

31 / 40

A food chain is shown.
potato plant → slug → hedgehog
By which process is energy transferred from the slug to the hedgehog?

32 / 40

Which description of a population is correct?

33 / 40

The body has several defence mechanisms to protect against disease.
Which defence mechanism is a chemical barrier?

34 / 40

35 / 40

36 / 40

When a river is polluted by fertiliser, the following processes may occur.
1 increased aerobic respiration of decomposers
2 increased growth of producers
3 decreased oxygen concentration in the water
What is the correct sequence for these processes?

37 / 40

What is the name of an organism that obtains its energy from dead organic material?

38 / 40

Which statement about fertilisation is correct?

39 / 40

A deficiency of magnesium ions can cause plant leaves to become yellow between the leaf veins.
What is the reason for this?

40 / 40

Which blood vessel carries blood to the muscle of the heart?

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IGCSE – Chemistry (0971) (9-1)
Question Count : 40

Duration :45 minutes

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IGCSE – Chemistry (0971) (9-1)

40 Different Questions Every time

1 / 40

Why is ethanol a member of the homologous series of alcohols but propane is not?

2 / 40

A student suggests three uses of calcium carbonate (limestone).
1) manufacture of cement
2) manufacture of iron
3) treating alkaline soils
Which suggestions are correct?

3 / 40

4 / 40

This question is about solids, liquids and gases.
(a) The list gives the names of nine substances.
aqueous copper(II) sulfate
aqueous potassium manganate(VII)
aqueous sodium chloride
dilute hydrochloric acid
Answer the following questions about these substances.
Each substance may be used once, more than once or not at all.
State which substance

(ii) is used, when acidified, to test for sulfur dioxide

5 / 40

The list shows four methods that were suggested for the formation of carbon dioxide.
1) cracking methane using steam
2) action of heat on a carbonate
3) complete combustion of methane
4) reaction of a carbonate with oxygen
Which methods would result in the production of carbon dioxide?

6 / 40

Sodium is in Group I of the Periodic Table.
Chlorine is in Group VII of the Periodic Table.
Sodium and chlorine combine to form a compound.
Which statement about the combination of sodium and chlorine atoms is correct?

7 / 40

The symbols of the elements of Period 3 of the Periodic Table are shown.
Na Mg Al Si P S Cl Ar
Write the symbol of an element which: is malleable

8 / 40

A Group I metal (lithium, sodium or potassium) is reacted with a Group VII element (chlorine,
bromine or iodine).
Which compound is formed when the Group I metal of highest density reacts with the Group VII
element of lowest density?

9 / 40

Which substance is not a fossil fuel?

10 / 40

Which statement about paper chromatography is correct?

11 / 40

Which substance does not require oxygen in order to produce energy?

12 / 40

13 / 40

Deduce the charge on the copper ion in CuI

14 / 40

Two tests are carried out on substance Z.

test 1) A flame test produces a red flame.
test 2) Z is dissolved in water and dilute nitric acid is added, followed by
aqueous silver nitrate. A yellow precipitate is produced.

What is substance Z?

15 / 40

Which statement about rate of reaction is correct?

16 / 40

Which statement about ions and ionic bonding is correct?

17 / 40

What is an advantage of manufacturing ethanol by fermentation?

18 / 40

An isotope of calcium is written as shown. 4420Ca
Deduce the number of protons, electrons and neutrons in this isotope of calcium.
number of protons?


19 / 40

a reactant in respiration

20 / 40

Which statement about the uses of sulfur dioxide is not correct?

21 / 40

Lead(II) sulfate is an insoluble salt.
Which method is suitable for obtaining solid lead(II) sulfate?

22 / 40

23 / 40

Which statement about the reactions in the blast furnace is correct?

24 / 40

A list of symbols and formulae is shown.
Answer the following questions about these symbols and formulae.
Each symbol or formula may be used once, more than once or not at all.
Which symbol or formula represents:
a compound produced by the thermal decomposition of calcium carbonate

25 / 40

Nitrogen, N2, and hydrogen, H2, can be converted into ammonia, NH3, using a catalyst.
What is the purpose of the catalyst?

26 / 40

In which equation is carbon both oxidised and reduced?

27 / 40

Which process removes carbon dioxide from the atmosphere?

28 / 40

29 / 40

This question is about iron and iron compounds
In a blast furnace used for the extraction of iron, carbon reacts with oxygen from the air to form carbon monoxide.
Complete the chemical equation for this reaction.
…….C + ……… 2CO

30 / 40

In separate experiments, electricity was passed through concentrated aqueous sodium chloride
and molten lead(II) bromide.
What would happen in both experiments?

31 / 40

Aluminium is extracted from its ore by electrolysis.
Which equation represents the reaction that occurs at the anode during the electrolysis?

32 / 40

Which mixture contains all of the elements in a typical fertiliser?

33 / 40

Four iron nails are added to four different metal sulfate solutions.

In which solution does a displacement reaction occur?

34 / 40

the main constituent of natural gas

35 / 40

Which process is a physical change?

36 / 40

Methanol is made industrially by reacting carbon monoxide with hydrogen. The gases react at a
temperature of 250°C and a pressure of 75 atmospheres.
CO(g) + 2H2(g) CH3OH(g)
The forward reaction is exothermic.
(a) Suggest a source of hydrogen for this industrial process

37 / 40

A covalent molecule Q contains only six shared electrons.
What is Q?

38 / 40

39 / 40

40 / 40

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Chemistry (0620)
Question Count : 40

Duration :45 minutes

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Chemistry (0620)

40 Different Questions Every time

1 / 40

Which statement about the reactions in the blast furnace is correct?

2 / 40

What are possible effects of an inadequate water supply during a drought?
1 crop failure
2 wastage of water
3 human disease
4 death of farm animals

3 / 40

The formula of sodium chlorate(V) is NaClO3.
What is the relative formula mass of sodium chlorate(V), NaClO3?

4 / 40

Three properties of element X are listed.
● It contains atoms with a full outer shell of electrons.
● It is monoatomic.
● It is unreactive.
In which part of the Periodic Table is the element placed?

5 / 40

Three separate experiments are carried out on an aqueous solution of S.
The results are shown.
1) Magnesium does not react with the solution.
2) A gas is given off when ammonium sulfate is heated with the solution.
3) Methyl orange turns yellow when added to the solution.
What is S?

6 / 40

Which statement about carbon is correct?

7 / 40

Ethene and propene are both members of the same homologous series.
Which statements explain why ethene and propene have similar chemical properties?
1 They are both hydrocarbons.
2 They are both made by cracking.
3 They have the same functional group.

8 / 40

Compounds that contain nitrogen can be used as fertilisers.
Which compound contains the greatest proportion of nitrogen by mass?

9 / 40

What is the equation for the complete combustion of methane?

10 / 40

A fuel cell is used to generate electricity.
Which chemicals are used in a fuel cell?

11 / 40

Sodium nitride contains the nitride ion, N3–.
Sodium nitride is unstable and decomposes into its elements.
What is the equation for the decomposition of sodium nitride?

12 / 40

Lithium and fluorine react to form lithium fluoride.
A student writes three statements about the reaction.
1 Lithium atoms lose an electron when they react.
2 Each fluoride ion has one more electron than a fluorine atom.
3 Lithium fluoride is a mixture of elements.
Which statements are correct?

13 / 40

The equation for the reaction of iron(III) oxide with carbon monoxide is shown.
Fe2O3(s) + 3CO(g) → 2Fe(s) + 3CO2(g)
What is the maximum mass of iron that can be made from 480 g of iron(III) oxide?

14 / 40

The equation for the reaction between magnesium and copper(II) oxide is shown.
Mg + CuO → MgO + Cu
Which substance is oxidised?

15 / 40

Which process uses sacrificial protection to prevent steel from rusting?

16 / 40

The noble gases are in Group VIII of the Periodic Table.
Which statement explains why noble gases are unreactive?

17 / 40

In which molecule are all the outer shell electrons from each atom used to form covalent bonds?

18 / 40

Which statements describe the Periodic Table?

1 The elements are arranged in order of their nucleon number.
2 The elements are arranged in order of their proton number.
3 It is used to predict the properties of elements.

19 / 40

Aqueous ethanoic acid is a weak acid.
Aqueous sodium hydroxide is a strong base.
Aqueous ethanoic acid is neutralised by aqueous sodium hydroxide.
Which statements are correct?
1 Aqueous ethanoic acid accepts protons from hydroxide ions.
2 The aqueous ethanoic acid used is fully dissociated into ions.
3 The aqueous sodium hydroxide used is fully dissociated into ions.
4 The reaction produces a salt and water.

20 / 40

Which substance is used to reduce zinc oxide in the manufacture of zinc?

21 / 40

Ships are made of steel, an alloy of iron.
Blocks of magnesium are attached to the underside of ships to prevent rusting.
Which statement explains how the magnesium prevents rusting?

22 / 40

A white solid Z reacts with dilute hydrochloric acid to produce a gas.
The same gas is produced when compound Z is heated strongly.
What is Z?

23 / 40

One of the fractions obtained from the fractional distillation of petroleum is naphtha.
What is a major use of the naphtha fraction?

24 / 40

Which statement about alkanes is correct?

25 / 40

Which type of reaction occurs when calcium carbonate is heated at a high temperature to
produce calcium oxide and carbon dioxide?

26 / 40

Three substances are electrolysed using inert electrodes.
Which substances produce hydrogen at the negative electrode?
1 concentrated hydrochloric acid
2 concentrated aqueous sodium chloride
3 dilute sulfuric acid

27 / 40

Ethanol is oxidised to ethanoic acid by acidified potassium manganate(VII).
Which colour change is observed in the reaction?

28 / 40

Which statement about the extraction of metals is correct?

29 / 40

Which type of compound is made when a protein is hydrolysed?

30 / 40

An atom of an element contains 4 electrons, 4 protons and 6 neutrons.
In which group of the Periodic Table is this element placed?

31 / 40

Which statement about ethanol is not correct?

32 / 40

Four statements about the effect of increasing temperature on a reaction are shown.
1 The activation energy becomes lower.
2 The particles move faster.
3 There are more collisions between reacting particles per second.
4 There are more collisions which have energy greater than the activation energy.
Which statements are correct?

33 / 40

An example of a redox reaction is shown.
Zn + Cu2+ →Zn2+ + Cu
Which statement about the reaction is correct?

34 / 40

Potassium reacts with iodine to form an ionic compound.
2K + I2 →2KI
Which statements describe what happens when potassium reacts with iodine?
1 Each potassium atom loses two electrons.
2 Each potassium atom loses one electron.
3 Each iodine atom gains one electron.
4 Each iodine atom gains two electrons.

35 / 40

The reaction used to manufacture ammonia from nitrogen and hydrogen is reversible.
An equilibrium is established between ammonia, nitrogen and hydrogen.
Which statement describes the equilibrium?

36 / 40

Substances change state when their temperature is changed.
Which changes of state take place when the temperature of a substance is lowered?
1 boiling
2 condensation
3 freezing
4 melting

37 / 40

The equation for the decomposition of calcium carbonate is shown.
CaCO3 →CaO + CO2
What mass of calcium oxide is produced when 10 g of calcium carbonate is heated?

38 / 40

Processes involved in the extraction of zinc are listed.
1 Heat zinc oxide with carbon.
2 Condense zinc vapour.
3 Vaporise the zinc.
4 Roast zinc ore in air.
In which order are the processes carried out?

39 / 40

Some uses of water are listed.
1 as a solvent
2 as a coolant in the chemical industry
3 to irrigate crops
4 to provide safe drinking water
During a drought, which uses are important to sustain the population of a country?

40 / 40

Aluminium is extracted from its ore by electrolysis.
Which equation represents the reaction that occurs at the anode during the electrolysis?

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Economics (9-1) (0987)
Question Count : 30

Duration :45 minutes

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Economics (9-1) (0987)

30 Different Questions Every time

1 / 30

A private sector firm is given a contract by the government to supply a country’s water.
Which government directive will minimise the risk of market failure?

2 / 30

3 / 30

Why is the energy supply industry dominated by very large firms in many economies?

4 / 30

5 / 30

What is a likely cause of economic growth?

6 / 30

A country specialises in the production of steel, toys and textiles.
What is a disadvantage of specialisation for the country’s workers?

7 / 30

What is the main difference between capital-intensive production and labour-intensive

8 / 30

Which supply-side policy measure would help to match the skills of workers to job vacancies?

9 / 30

What is a disadvantage of increasing international specialisation?

10 / 30

11 / 30

12 / 30

What can cause the supply curve for a product to shift to the right?

13 / 30

What is the most important factor that affects how much a family saves?

14 / 30

One aim of government policy is to redistribute income through taxation in order to reduce
Which policy will achieve this aim?

15 / 30

16 / 30

In recent years more golf courses, which use large quantities of water, have opened in China.
What may be the opportunity cost of this?

17 / 30

A US car dealer agrees an import price of US$25 000 for a Japanese car at the current rate of
The US dollar then strengthens by 10% against the Japanese yen.
What will be the new import price paid for the Japanese car?

18 / 30

19 / 30

What will deflation most likely lead to?

20 / 30

Which firm is most likely to be classified as a small firm in the tertiary sector?

21 / 30

A manufacturer of medical supplies benefits from improved road links to its main markets.
What benefit definitely occurs as a result?

22 / 30

A newspaper reported that ‘The world market for coffee has returned to equilibrium’.
Which situation supports this statement?

23 / 30

24 / 30

A country has a deficit on its current account of its balance of payments.
What could increase the size of its deficit?

25 / 30

Which relationship would be studied by an economist specialising in macroeconomics?

26 / 30

Which government policy would reduce economic growth?

27 / 30

What would be least likely to act as a store of value during a period of rapid inflation?

28 / 30

29 / 30

30 / 30

A country’s minister for agriculture said
“the biggest challenge the country faces is to develop irrigation so that we
are not at the mercy of the weather for crucial export earnings”.
Which type of country is this most likely to be?

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Economics (0455)
Question Count : 30

Duration :45 minutes

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Economics (0455)

30 Different Questions Every time

1 / 30

What is most likely to result from a reduction in the value of a country’s currency if there are no
other changes in the economy?

2 / 30

A large bakery buys a flour mill.
Which form of integration is this?

3 / 30

What usually happens as a developing country becomes more developed?

4 / 30

5 / 30

In farming, what is an example of what economists call capital?

6 / 30

7 / 30

What is an example of expansionary monetary policy?

8 / 30

The retail trade in a country has unemployed workers in one region and job vacancies in another
What could explain this?

9 / 30

The demand for gas in a country becomes price-inelastic.
What will happen as a result?

10 / 30

Which item will register as an outflow on the services section of the current account of the US
balance of payments?

11 / 30

What may result from a balance of payments trade surplus?

12 / 30

A government wishes to pursue an expansionary monetary policy.
What should it do?

13 / 30

The US government decides to reduce the size of the quota on a good it buys from China.
What is likely to happen?

14 / 30

15 / 30

What is likely to happen when a country is experiencing deflation?

16 / 30

What is most likely to have caused a long-term decrease in the numbers employed in the banking
sector of an economy?

17 / 30

One aim of government policy is to redistribute income through taxation in order to reduce
Which policy will achieve this aim?

18 / 30

The government has an important role in mixed economies.
Which function would it not perform?

19 / 30

Why is the energy supply industry dominated by very large firms in many economies?

20 / 30

A developing country starts to show increases in economic growth.
What is most likely to occur?

21 / 30

A mobile (cell) phone operator increases the price of making calls on its network. After the price
increase, the revenue of the mobile phone operator falls by 10%.
What is the price elasticity of demand (PED) for the mobile operator’s service?

22 / 30

A newspaper reported that ‘The world market for coffee has returned to equilibrium’.
Which situation supports this statement?

23 / 30

24 / 30

25 / 30

A firm has a high price elasticity of supply for its product.
What does this indicate?

26 / 30

What could cause profits to be high in a monopoly market?

27 / 30

Interest rates are sometimes raised to control inflation.
Why might this policy be effective?

28 / 30

What would not increase the Human Development Index (HDI) of a country?

29 / 30

30 / 30

What is an advantage of a country having a market economic system with a large private sector?

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Physics (9-1) (0972)
Question Count : 40

Duration :45 minutes

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Physics (9-1) (0972)

40 Different Questions Every time

1 / 40

2 / 40

3 / 40

4 / 40

A ball of mass 0.16kg is moving forwards at a speed of 0.50 m / s. A second ball of mass 0.10 kg
is stationary. The first ball strikes the second ball. The second ball moves forwards at a speed of
0.50 m / s.
What is the speed of the first ball after the collision?

5 / 40

6 / 40

7 / 40

8 / 40

9 / 40

10 / 40

11 / 40

What is used to determine the distance travelled by an object in motion?

12 / 40

13 / 40

A force F acts on an object and the object moves a distance d in the direction of the force.
What is the work done on the object?

14 / 40

Which are examples of friction?
1 tension in a spring
2 air resistance
3 weight

15 / 40

A horizontal force pulls a box along a horizontal surface.
The box gains 30 J of kinetic energy and 10 J of thermal energy is produced by the friction
between the box and the surface.
How much work is done by the force?

16 / 40

A tank contains water. Ripples are produced on the surface of the water. Refraction is observed.
What causes the ripples to refract?

17 / 40

18 / 40

Which statement correctly compares radio waves and X-rays?

19 / 40

Thermal radiation is part of the electromagnetic spectrum.
What is the name of this region of the spectrum?

20 / 40

Three statements about a.c. and d.c. currents are given.
1 A d.c. current is in one direction only whilst an a.c. current repeatedly changes
2 d.c. is the abbreviation for direct current and a.c. is the abbreviation for amplitude
3 An a.c. current is in one direction only whilst a d.c. current repeatedly changes
Which statements are correct?

21 / 40

22 / 40

23 / 40

24 / 40

25 / 40

A beam of radiation, containing α-particles, β-particles and γ-rays, passes between two parallel
plates. One plate is positively charged and the other is negatively charged.
Which radioactive emissions will be attracted towards the positively charged plate?

26 / 40

The coils in two electric motors are identical in size, but motor 1 is observed to spin more quickly
than motor 2.
Three suggestions are made to explain this observation.
1 The current in the coil of motor 1 is greater than the current in the coil of motor 2.
2 The number of turns on the coil of motor 1 is greater than on the coil of motor 2.
3 The magnets in motor 1 are stronger than the magnets in motor 2.
Which suggestions give a possible explanation for this observation?

27 / 40

28 / 40

29 / 40

30 / 40

31 / 40

How do the sizes of the two nuclei produced in a nuclear fission reaction compare to the size of
the original nucleus?

32 / 40

What is weight?

33 / 40

34 / 40

35 / 40

36 / 40

37 / 40

The thermal capacity of object Y is greater than that of object Z.
What is a consequence of this?

38 / 40

39 / 40

40 / 40

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Physics (0625)
Question Count : 40

Duration :45 minutes

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Physics (0625)

40 Different Questions Every time

1 / 40

2 / 40

Which statement about identical lamps in a parallel circuit is not correct?

3 / 40

4 / 40

5 / 40

6 / 40

7 / 40

What causes the change in direction when light travels from air into glass?

8 / 40

Which statement describes two atoms of different isotopes of an element?

9 / 40

Which statement about identical lamps in a parallel circuit is not correct?

10 / 40

11 / 40

12 / 40

In which form is energy stored by stretching a spring?

13 / 40

14 / 40

15 / 40

Thermal radiation is part of the electromagnetic spectrum.
What is the name of this region of the spectrum?

16 / 40

17 / 40

18 / 40

19 / 40

Which process causes a sound wave to produce an echo?

20 / 40

21 / 40

A tank contains water. Ripples are produced on the surface of the water. Refraction is observed.
What causes the ripples to refract?

22 / 40

23 / 40

24 / 40

A block of lead of mass 500 g is at its melting point.
The specific latent heat of fusion of lead = 23 kJ / kg.
How much energy is required to completely melt the block?

25 / 40

A large battery is labelled with various items of information about the battery.
(12V,  30 kg,  216 kJ,  680A)
One of these items of information is the electromotive force (e.m.f.) of the battery.
What is the e.m.f. of the battery?

26 / 40

27 / 40

28 / 40

In which substances is convection a method of thermal energy transfer?

29 / 40

Which pieces of apparatus are the most appropriate for an experiment to plot an
extension–load graph of a spring?

30 / 40

31 / 40

A child pushes a toy car along a horizontal surface and then releases it.
As the car slows down, what is the main energy transfer?

32 / 40

33 / 40

34 / 40

35 / 40

A resistor converts 360 J of energy when there is a current of 3.0A in it. The potential difference
across the resistor is 6.0V.
For how long is there this current in the resistor?

36 / 40

37 / 40

38 / 40

A ball of mass 0.16kg is moving forwards at a speed of 0.50 m / s. A second ball of mass 0.10 kg
is stationary. The first ball strikes the second ball. The second ball moves forwards at a speed of
0.50 m / s.
What is the speed of the first ball after the collision?

39 / 40

Energy resources are used to produce electricity.
Which resource is non-renewable?

40 / 40

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Science – Combined (0653)
Question Count : 40

Duration :45 minutes

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Science – Combined (0653)

40 Different Questions Every time

1 / 40

2 / 40

Four separate samples of magnesium are reacted with dilute hydrochloric acid. In each reaction
the concentration of the hydrochloric acid is the same.
Which experiment gives the highest rate of reaction?

3 / 40

4 / 40

5 / 40

6 / 40

Which process in the carbon cycle releases carbon into the environment?

7 / 40

8 / 40

A girl holding a heavy load stands with her two feet flat on the ground.
Which change causes the pressure she exerts on the ground to increase?

9 / 40

10 / 40

Which statement describes a molecule?

11 / 40

Which statement about asexual reproduction is correct?

12 / 40

Iron is extracted from hematite in the blast furnace.
Coke and hematite are added at the top of the blast furnace, and hot air enters at the bottom.
Which statements are correct?

  1. Coke burns to produce high temperatures.
  2. Carbon monoxide is formed by the reaction of carbon with carbon dioxide
  3. Hematite contains iron(III) oxide which is oxidised by carbon monoxide.
  4. The oxygen needed for the combustion of the coke comes from the hematite

13 / 40

Some examples of responses in the body are listed.

  1. decreased pupil diameter
  2. increased breathing rate
  3. increased pulse rate
    Which responses are caused by the secretion of adrenaline?

14 / 40

15 / 40

16 / 40

17 / 40

18 / 40

The mass of a solid object is 1.6 kg and the volume of the object is 80 cm3.
What is the density of the object?

19 / 40

20 / 40

21 / 40

Which compound contains covalent bonds?

22 / 40

A boy runs up some stairs.
Which two physical quantities are used to calculate the power he develops?

23 / 40

Which process in the carbon cycle releases carbon back into the atmosphere?

24 / 40

25 / 40

In the process of eutrophication, what causes the increased growth of producers?

26 / 40

Which statement about enzymes is correct?

27 / 40

28 / 40

29 / 40

The equation for the reaction between zinc and aqueous iron(II) sulfate is shown.
Zn(s) + FeSO4(aq) →ZnSO4(aq) + Fe(s)
Which statements about this reaction are correct?

  1. Zinc atoms give electrons to iron ions.
  2. Iron atoms have a greater tendency to form positive ions than zinc atoms.
  3. Zinc displaces iron because it is more reactive than iron.

30 / 40

Which statement describes a saturated hydrocarbon gas but not any other gas?

31 / 40

Which two energy sources are both renewable?

32 / 40

33 / 40

Refinery gas contains methane.
Which statement about methane is correct?

34 / 40

35 / 40

A student applies a force to an object, causing the object to move in the same direction as the
She measures the size of the force and the distance moved by the object.
Which quantity can she now calculate?

36 / 40

A large quantity of damp iron filings is added to clean air in a sealed container.
The container is left for several weeks.
The composition of the air in the container changes.
Which gas decreases in composition?

37 / 40

38 / 40

39 / 40

40 / 40

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